Cómo disfrutar de la ópera

Guía práctica. Incluye la sinopsis de las óperas más famosas.

Cómo disfrutar de la ópera - Charles Osborne - Gedisa
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Year of publication: 
Weight: 13.1 g

Anyone who is attracted by the drama and the music is a potential lover of opera. This book is dedicated to him, because it is an excellent introduction to the subject. The opera is considered by many as the most complete genre for its expressive possibilities, combining elements from the other arts: theater, music, song, dance and scenery. The author's purpose is to provide the reader that starts in art, a complete picture of the world of opera, with the idea that a better understanding of its components and nuances multiplied, for the amateur, the pleasure of the experience. Charles Osborne describes the major opera companies, festivals and seasons, we suggest ways to better enjoy representation, discusses the importance of the script and gives us historical background information on each topic. All elements involved in the creation of an opera are studied carefully: there is a chap...read more


Category: All >> Music >> Opera

Book: Cómo disfrutar de la ópera

ISBN: 9788497848688
Precio de lista: $340.00
Descuento: 20%