Conceptos fundamentales de antropología y religión

Conceptos fundamentales de antropología y religión - Lluís  Duch - Fragmenta
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Soft cover

This book brings together 34 encyclopedia articles written by Lluís Duch for the Great Catalan Encyclopedia, for Key Concepts of Cultural Anthropology, by Angel Aguirre, and for Fundamental Concepts of Christianity, by Casiano Floristan and Juan José Tamayo. The compilation of these collaborations into a single book results in a coherent and homogeneous work: a kind of dictionary of anthropology and religion or, if you prefer, anthropology of religion. Every encyclopedia article obviously has an eminently informative purpose, and Duch's articles gathered in this book are no exception. However, in almost all texts the author's own seal is noticeable. We are not faced with a mere dissemination, but before a first-rate researcher who has agreed to offer first-hand summaries of concepts that he studied with the utmost depth and ambition.

Category: All >> Psychology >> Psychoanalysis

Book: Conceptos fundamentales de antropología y religión

ISBN: 9788417796211
Precio de lista: $550.00
Descuento: 15%