It is necessary, and even urgent, to teach today to "think as it should", with rectitude and correctness, without departing from the real, in a rigorous effort that counteracts the mere appearance of the individual, to reach the truth. The famous abbot of Bec was dedicated to this task when, at the beginning of 1080, he wrote a trilogy about the problems of truth, righteousness, evil, divine omnipotence and free will. The first of these treaties is entitled De veritate; the second, De libertate arbitrii (On the freedom of arbitration); the third, De casu diaboli (The Devil's Fall). In De veritate, Anselmo seeks to illuminate the relationship between moral virtue, truth and justice, while trying to teach his monks how to connect the truth with real life. To do this, he proposes the category of "righteousness," that is, that right path that every individual who wishes to conform to the ...read more