
Ensayos De Filosofia Politica Y Juridica

Democracia -  AA.VV. - Editorial fontamara
Publisher name: 
Editorial fontamara
Year of publication: 

This book brings together a series of works by prominent philosophers of law and politics—Francisco Javier Ansuátegui Roig, Juan Carlos Bayón, Roberto Gargarella, Azi Lev-On, Javier de Lucas, Bernard Manin, Mariano C. Melero, Félix Ovejero, Massimo La Torre and Jeremy Waldron—on current debates about democracy from a broad perspective. The essays include analyses of the future of democracy, problems of citizenship, its viability on an international scale, its republican conception, the different democratic traditions in Latin America, and the impact of the Internet on public discussion and deliberation. The book also analyses the tensions between constitutionalism and democracy both in its theoretical aspect and in the area of ​​institutional design. Finally, the book addresses the possibility, elements, and peculiarities of a democratic theory of law.


Book: Democracia

ISBN: 9786077361251
Precio de lista: $300.00
Descuento: 15%