The notoriety achieved by the "Dictionnaire de musique" by Sébastien de Brossard was crowned by the publication in 1768 of the "Dictionnaire de musique" by Jean-Jacques Rousseau, a text born with the aim of contributing to the knowledge of the predominant terminology in musical practice French of the moment. However, the theoretical-technical content stands out controversially over a scenario clearly illuminated by a domesticated erudition with a view to the common good. The silence that followed the pioneering translation of the "Dictionary" into English (William Waring, 1771), the meager contribution to the German by Dorothea and Peter Gülke (1984), and the shortage of the "Essay" by John T. Scott (1998) , concludes in our country with the first edition in Spanish, carried out by José Luis de la Fuente Charfolé, who, after a rigorous introductory study in which he exposes the curren...read more