Dulce violencia

La idea de lo trágico

Dulce violencia - Terry Eagleton - Trotta
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It seems that the tragedy was an outdated issue today. Its ontological depth and high seriousness irritate the postmodern sensibility itself, and too solemn tone? Of the most aristocratic of art forms? It comes embedded sacrifice, false heroism and nobility of very masculine spirit. But if true Postmodernism is too shallow for the tragic genre, certain poststructuralism take it too seriously. To the left, meanwhile, tragedy exhibits an unpleasant aura of gods, myths and bloody cults, metaphysical guilt and inexorable fate.

This book is not a historical work about the tragedy, but rather aspires to be a political study. Part of the conviction that a genuine materialism, opposed both to historical relativism and idealism, must also be attentive to those aspects of existence that are permanent structures be generic man, including the reality of suffering is counted.

The pol...read more


Book: Dulce violencia

ISBN: 9788498792249
Precio de lista: $1,460.00
Descuento: 25%