Echoes of the Caucasus is composed of four stories by Lev N. Tolstoy: Stories from Sevastopol (1855), The Prisoner of the Caucasus (1872), After the Dance and Hadji Murat, from 1903, in which the author's life experience is key to transfer a historical base from which to convey the pacifist message that reigns in all his work, where suffering is distributed unequally between the social classes that make up the tsarist army. The Sevastopol Stories are three "journalistic-literary" chronicles that detail the terrible siege of this city during the Crimean War, which lasted from 1853 to 1856, and which Tolstoy lived as an artillery ensign. The Prisoner of the Caucasus, After the Dance and Hadji Murat are set in the context of the Caucasus Wars of the mid-19th century, in Chechnya. In After the Dance, in addition, he poses in great depth a moral dilemma through two feelings experienced in more