El charlatán

El charlatán - Louis-René des Forêts - Arena libros
Publisher name: 
Arena libros
Year of publication: 

The charlatan is a bewitching story, without magic, however. For us, for the people of an era without naivety, it is the equivalent of a ghost story. Something spectral inhabits; a movement being heard in it, from which arise all occurrences. Only to be understood in the strict sense: a pure ghost story where even the ghost is absent, so that whoever reads it can not remain apart from this absence and he claims that either hold or the dissipates, or the dissipating hold it for a game of attraction and repulsion that does not come out intact. For what comes to torture is not this or that unreal figure (which extend beyond the life simulacrum of life), it is the unreality of all figures, unreality so extensive that it affects both the narrator and the reader and finally , the author in its relations with all those whom I could talk through this story.
Each of my characters are loc...read more


Book: El charlatán

ISBN: 9788495897176