El encantamiento del mundo

El encantamiento del mundo - Boris Cyrulnik - Gedisa
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From birth we let ourselves fascinate, charm and mesmerize the world and others around us. What is this hidden power that governs us and forces us to be captured by the gestures, the look and the voice of the others?

This reaction we share with all animals at birth need the care of others to survive. The fascination that binds us to our world is a product of evolution. But if animals are left spellbound by the senses when they perceive the smell, color or position of others, for humans other spell is added: the meanings that each one attributes to things spellbinding turn, the world and recreating it as his mental world.

When humans talk with others about and from their particular representation of the world, they do not know what the other and yet serves to communicate. And this purely mental world is not separate from our physical, because our whole body is penetrated ...read more


Book: El encantamiento del mundo

ISBN: 9788474329278
Precio de lista: $740.00
Descuento: 20%