A masterful portrait of New York society in the Roaring Twenties.
The Great Gatsby is the masterful portrait of New York society that lives madly after the war, to which the enigmatic tycoon Jay Gatsby lavishes great parties. In these scenarios, and with the city of New York as a setting, the story is built from the point of view of the narrator, Nick Carraway, who is drawn by the brilliant personality of Gatsby. Ambition, debauchery, superficiality, money, love, move the characters in the novel, but, above all, it is the desire to bring back the past, the nostalgia that floods everyone who, Despite having achieved everything he wanted, he always misses something that was left behind. The First World War had shown the limitless cruelty that man could reach, but it had also opened the eyes of a generation that wanted to change their present, and also enjoy it without limits. Fit...read more