El regreso de la Doctora Ilustración (Ph. D.)

El regreso de la Doctora Ilustración (Ph. D.) - Carlos Monsiváis - Malpaso
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Hard cover

The rescue of an essential piece of the Mexican comedy by Carlos Monsiváis. Here comes the Doctor Illustration, more hilarious and fearsome than ever. Conceived by the odd imagination of Carlos Monsiváis and established during the seventies and eighties in the supplement La Cultura en México by Siempre !, the doctor returns this time to attend to the flora and fauna of Mexican politics. Charro leaders and abject civil servants who are avid for demonstrating their unrestricted support to all causes or seriously troubled by the doubt of whether or not they have already been corrupted, pass through the same divan. With a prologue by Lorenzo Meyer and illustrations by Darío Castillejos, this book offers a new and hilarious selection of the best texts in the column The Doctor's Office Illustration (Ph.D.) and confirms once again that Carlos Monsiváis, as Pedro Infante , He did not die.


Book: El regreso de la Doctora Ilustración (Ph. D.)

ISBN: 9788417081959
Precio de lista: $289.00
Descuento: 20%