Elogio del caminar

Elogio del caminar - Leslie Stephen - Nórdica
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Year of publication: 
Book size:
Soft cover

In Praise of Walking is a delightful text that invites us to reflect on what our walks are like. The author is the father of Virginia Woolf.
When you walk, you move more than just your body: you move your mind, your spirit, your entire system of being. As you traverse spatial distance, you gain a vital spiritual distance with which you can see again the problems that threaten your day, your work, your life. In this brief and honest work, accompanied by the magnificent illustrations of Manuel Marsol, Leslie Stephen defends one of his passions: «It is possible that I may regret at some point some pleasures that do not deserve such a qualification, but the pleasure that concerns me here is pointed and fundamentally innocent. Walking is to recreational activities what farming and fishing are to industry: it is primitive and simple; it puts us in contact with mother earth and simple ...read more


Book: Elogio del caminar

ISBN: 9788410200081
Precio de lista: $390.00
Descuento: 10%