Propuesta de actividades para adolescentes en la escuela a partir del libro El hombre en busca de sentido

Viktor Frankl's work is becoming more and more known, especially for the book "Man's Search for Meaning", considered by many to be his most important work. There are several teachers from different disciplines who try to include it as compulsory reading in formal education, both secondary and university.
The objective of this text is to provide tools for teachers to apply logotherapy (logotheory, to be more precise) in formal education with adolescents. For this reason, some conceptual contents are integrated with the attitudinal contents proposed by logotherapy. Education in the logotherapeutic sense seeks to be an antidote to existential emptiness, focusing on the possibility of preventing and promoting the dimensions of man.
The activities that this book suggests try to appeal to adolescents to make better use of their responsible freedom, so that they learn to find more