Factores de vulnerabilidad en la construcción del riesgo

Factores de vulnerabilidad en la construcción del riesgo -  AA.VV. - Itaca
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Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 250 g
Soft cover

Social attention to environmental, natural and technological risks and their consequences has increased in recent decades due to the concurrence of climate change and demographic growth. Furthermore, the prevailing economic model, which accentuates social imbalances, causes migratory movements and alters the relationships between society and its environment, has substantially aggravated the effects of environmental disasters.

This book, in which vulnerability is the thematic axis, offers progress in the necessary and laborious task of standardizing terms and methods.

Works on vulnerability are compiled here in three large blocks: conceptual, methodological and applied. The authors, in many cases work teams, come from diverse disciplinary fields of natural and social sciences, so the set has a multidisciplinary and even interdisciplinary character.

The subjects cov...read more

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Book: Factores de vulnerabilidad en la construcción del riesgo

ISBN: 9786070292088