Grupos de encuentro en Terapia Gestalt 

De la \"silla vacía\" al círculo gestáltico

Grupos de encuentro en Terapia Gestalt  - Celedonio  Castanedo Secadas - Herder
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Weight: 575 g

3 rd revised edition, updated and expanded The subject of this book is the group. The group of people and their facilitator, joined by a fascinating and magical adventure that leads to the discovery, the growth of human potential. Technical means are bodily sensations, feelings, fantasies directed and realize the significance. This book combines theoretical reflection with experience, is full of practical lessons and examples. Its main focus is Gestalt Therapy, a generous share of poetry, humor and insights from almost all areas of human knowledge, and the Sufis, Zen poems, and Hasidic wisdom of Gibran, powerful production of Western thought, from by Aristotle, Unamuno, Perls and popular proverbs. All this in a fluid conceptualization and widely documented. This 3rd edition has indluido in the text parts that did not contain the 2 nd edition: the effect on adult life, the memories more


Book: Grupos de encuentro en Terapia Gestalt 

ISBN: 8425423562
Precio de lista: $1,410.00
Descuento: 50%