Fantasma de la vanguardia

Fantasma de la vanguardia - Damián Tabarovsky - Mardulce
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Soft cover

Ghost of the avant-garde takes up, questions, discusses and deepens some of the themes that already appeared in leftist literature. If Left Literature is the reference book around the debates on literary criticism, cultural criticism and literature of the mid-2000s, Ghost of the avant-garde is called to be the key text of these years.
The crisis of the avant-garde, its conversion into a ghost, the effect that that produces in culture and politics, and how literature becomes ruined, are some of the axes of the book. But also the economic dimension of the language, the possibility of a new type of cosmopolitanism and the tendencies around the world of publishing.
Written with a sharp, sharp, perhaps provocative tone, always full of scholarship and irony, Ghost of the avant-garde takes up the great tradition of literary essay as a disturbing and lonely genre. Who writes is more


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Book: Fantasma de la vanguardia

ISBN: 9789873731402