Hijos del Pueblo

Intelectuales peronistas: de la Internacional a la Marcha

Hijos del Pueblo - Guillermo Korn - Editorial Las cuarenta
Publisher name: 
Editorial Las cuarenta
Year of publication: 

This book presents an original investigation on the link between the left and Peronism, for the years 1945-1955, around the figure of five writers: Elías Castelnuovo, César Tiempo, José Gabriel, Jorge Newton and Luis Horacio Velázquez. Their trajectories and works are the prism that allows us to reconstruct some cultural aspects of the decade.
Different studies on early Peronism support the idea of ​​a barren field or scorched earth. And that the golden years were the previous ones and the call to reconstruction its consequence. But: what happened in those ten years? Should they be thought of as a homogeneous whole? This paper maintains that it is not, that it is about reconstructing the motley heterogeneity of the period, especially considering the ties between the left and Peronism, the writer-people relationship, the national question and the historical narratives.
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Book: Hijos del Pueblo

ISBN: 9789871501908