Historias de conceptos

Estudios sobre semántica y pragmática del lenguaje político y social

Historias de conceptos - Reinhart Koselleck - Trotta
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The center of the work of Reinhart Koselleck is occupied by the so-called 'history of concepts', which he developed paradigm in its capacity as "thinking historian" as he called Hans-Georg Gadamer, making monumental historical dictionary foundation Concepts fundamental, edited together with Otto Brunner and Werner Conze. The history of concepts specifically directed against a history of abstract ideas and is oriented towards the study of language use in social, political and legal life. This approach is thus able to measure the concrete experiences and expectations in the interface between sources, linked to language, and the political and social reality.

The writings collected in this volume are the most significant part of the intellectual legacy of Koselleck last. In them the history of the modern world told through the stories of concepts such as 'revolution', 'crisis', 'e...read more


Book: Historias de conceptos

ISBN: 9788498793000
Precio de lista: $1,065.00
Descuento: 25%