La ciudad sitiada

La ciudad sitiada - Clarice Lispector - Siruela
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Soft cover

Against the backdrop of a misty twenties, The besieged city masterfully parallels the chronicle of the transformation of São Geraldo, an inland city immersed in an inexorable stage of growth, with the process of liberation of Lucrécia Neves, a besieged woman , suffocated by the city and its inhabitants. In the disturbing and underground evolution of her metamorphosis, the protagonist will try to be part of a youth association, she will be the girlfriend of the aggressive Felipe and the beautiful Perseu, but she will end up marrying a prosperous merchant. Fiery as a horse and unattainable as a statue in the park, always between balance and imbalance, straightening without moving so as not to fall apart, Lucrécia Neves is undoubtedly one of the most memorable protagonists of Clarice Lispector's narrative.


Book: La ciudad sitiada

ISBN: 9788416854448
Precio de lista: $580.00
Descuento: 25%