La educación sexual

La educación sexual - Félix López Sánchez - Biblioteca Nueva
Publisher name: 
Biblioteca Nueva
Year of publication: 
Weight: 422 g
Soft cover

This book makes a practical and well-founded proposal for sexual education at school and in the family. The roles of parents and educators are clearly defined, making clear their differences and their complementarity. Proposals are made on the objectives, themes and strategies, offering content and very practical examples. The reference model from which this proposal is made is the one called by the author "Biographical and Professional Model", because he considers that sexuality belongs to the "kingdom of freedom" and that each person can and should make decisions about their own life. sexual and affective. Educators, within this model, must respect and willingly tolerate the choices that parents and children wish to make, their role being to help them so that these decisions allow them to experience sexuality in a way that improves their well-being. Thus, the time for prescriptions more

Category: All >> Psychology >> Sexuality

Book: La educación sexual

ISBN: 9788497423137
Precio de lista: $333.00
Descuento: 20%