La Moral como anomalía

La Moral como anomalía - Antonio Valdecantos - Herder
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Year of publication: 
Weight: 410 g

Our times have moral overdose. Contemporary culture has believed so precipitously as childish as to the evils of this world opposes a whole battery of robust norms, values standards and principles, moral appeals, which are those that would apply if humanity was rational, beneficial , care and attention. Although disputes abound on how to describe all the above and what to do to improve it, there is usually no doubt about their existence or at least on the desirability of. But perhaps the time is coming tantp detoxify excess._x000D_
In this book, provocative and daring, it is argued that morality is a system of rules but a maze of anomalies._x000D_
It includes four essays on many other aspects of moral functioning and, using as a guiding thread the concept of responsibility shows that the essence of this idea (and other moral concepts) are the exceptions more


Book: La Moral como anomalía

ISBN: 8425425103
Precio de lista: $800.00
Descuento: 30%