La Serpiente verde

Un cuento

La Serpiente verde - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - Herder
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Weight: 195 g

With the publication of this work Herder is pleased to help celebrate the 250th anniversary of Goethe (Frankfurt, 1749 Weimar, 1832). The story of the green snake, little known compared to its world-renowned works such as Faust's Apprenticeship Wilhelm Meister, Werther or Poetry and Truth, summarized in an exercise in free play of fantasy masterpieces ideas all thought of Goethe. Posted in 17941795, in a time of profound changes in their personal and intellectual experience, this little gem of literature, for his amazing condensation issue is one of the most complex and amazing testimonials of all the artistic and intellectual horizon of this playwright, poet and unfathomable thinker of German cultural history. This is also a key text in the transition from classical to romantic era in the history of German literature. Of interest to everyone.


Book: La Serpiente verde

ISBN: 8425420938
Precio de lista: $485.00
Descuento: 50%