Annotated edition by Roger Armengol, Ramon Riera and Silvio Rogeli Translation Sember-Armengol, LA Brown, Lluïsa Etxeberria, Maria Mercedes Fernandez, Assumption Luengo, Teresa Mas, Inmaculada Ribas, Ramon Riera, Neus Rubio and Silvio Sember) Although it started being an orthodox follower of classical psychoanalytic theory, Heinz Kohut began towards the end of his life a progressive distancing from the legacy of Freud, which culminated in one of the most original and fruitful revision of the psychoanalytic method. His dictum that psychoanalysis "must move from study to study Freud human being" guided the development of his "self psychology", a new method of analysis based on empathy and dialogue between patient and therapist. The two writings of Heinz Kohut who picks up this volume, "The two analysis of Mr. Z" and "Introspection, empathy and the semicircle of mental health" are the more