Los ojos del hermano eterno

Los ojos del hermano eterno - Stefan Zweig - Acantilado
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Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 119.1 g

"The eyes of the eternal brother", a very curious book in the work of Stefan Zweig, is written as an oriental legend located long before the time of Buddha. It tells the story of Virata, a righteous and virtuous man, the most famous judge of the kingdom, who after living voluntarily in his own flesh condemns the darkness for the most bloodthirsty murderers, discovers the absolute value of life and recognizes in the eyes of the eternal brother the intrinsic impossibility of every judicial act. Virata becomes, after his resignation, an anonymous man who awaits him, once dead, a forgetting even more perennial, that of history that continues its course without the most just man of all time.


Book: Los ojos del hermano eterno

ISBN: 9788495359834
Precio de lista: $395.00
Descuento: 25%