Más allá de Freud 

Una historia del pensamiento psicoanalítico moderno

Más allá de Freud  - Stephen A. Mitchell - Herder
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Year of publication: 
Weight: 525 g

A great introduction to the history of psychoanalytic theory and clinical for new generations of psychologists and psychology students. This book presents the central ideas of the major contributions to psychoanalytic thought. His point of booting is Freud, not only for its historical significance but also because it is the main point of reference for generating new perspectives: understanding the relationship of each theory of psychoanalysis in relation to Freud is crucial to link every school with other. Without assuming any kind of familiarity by the reader, the authors introduce each theoretical tradition to explain its main points and some of its basic concepts where possible, through clinical examples that show how certain challenges and problems did you move into new directions. The book starts with a simple and very apt description of Freud's theory and then shows how his daug...read more

Category: All >> Psychology >> Psychoanalysis

Book: Más allá de Freud 

ISBN: 8425423457
Precio de lista: $1,200.00
Descuento: 30%