Michel de Certeau. La ficción

Escuchar la voz del otro

Michel de Certeau. La ficción - Alfonso Mendiola Mejia - Navarra
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Year of publication: 
Soft cover

Every time Michel de Certeau is read and reread, new things are found. This permanent novelty is not only due to the fact that the subjectivity of the reader has changed, but, fundamentally, to his literary style. This style of writing is a constant fight against modern rationality. That which modern or productivist writing hides is the voice that it represses. If history is the discourse that is legitimized in reality, De Certeau will show how he never manages to appropriate that reality. Well, by introducing time into the historiographic operation, he turns it into an endless effort to resurrect that which has gone and is no longer there: the past. Just as the Other with a capital letter is gone, so too are the Others with a lower case letter gone. All of them as figures of a central Certolian notion: the voice. Modernity when creating science generates fiction. This consists of all...read more


Book: Michel de Certeau. La ficción

ISBN: 9786079497583
Precio de lista: $250.00
Descuento: 10%