No soy de aquí, ni soy de allá

No soy de aquí, ni soy de allá - Philippe Ollé-Laprune - Sexto Piso
Publisher name: 
Sexto Piso
Year of publication: 
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The history of the intellectual fascination between France and the Hispanic world, particularly Mexico, is almost as long as the origin of both territories. That fascination, when it has arisen from the darkest part of our minds, has generated wars, invasions, oppression, murders. But it has also generated much of the light that guides both cultures: the words that forged our literary, philosophical, and political imaginary; the sound of musical pieces, previously unheard of; the still and moving images that revealed new worlds to us. And, also, two models of life, diametrically different and, therefore, complementary: one governed by passion, and the other by reason. Like light and darkness, the fate of France and Mexico seem to be linked forever. In this book, I'm not from here nor am I from there, Philippe Ollé-Laprune tells this story and, by telling it, he becomes one of his more

Category: All >> Literature >> Literary essay

Book: No soy de aquí, ni soy de allá

ISBN: 9786078619511
Precio de lista: $280.00
Descuento: 15%