Pequeñas desgracias sin importancia

Pequeñas desgracias sin importancia - Miriam Toews - Sexto Piso
Publisher name: 
Sexto Piso
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 470 g

"What do you do when your wonderful, dear sister asks you to help her leave this world because existence is intolerable to her? How to turn such a story into a credible work and, although painful, also tremendously funny? Small Unimportant Misfortunes is a brave novel, quite an exhibition on a tightrope ».
Margaret Atwood

"Toews writes in a deceptively simple style and with such finesse that one wants to savor every word."
Sunday Times

The lives of the Von Riesen sisters could not be more disparate. Elfrieda's existence seems perfect: she is an internationally renowned pianist, a glamorous and happily married woman. Yolandi's, on the other hand, is a real disaster: in the middle of a divorce, she barely manages to make ends meet and feels that her teenage children are growing up too quickly. And yet Elf does not want to continue living, while Yoli would give more


Book: Pequeñas desgracias sin importancia

ISBN: 9788419261045
Precio de lista: $295.00
Descuento: 15%