Poética musical

(en forma de seis lecciones)

Poética musical - Ígor Stravinski - Acantilado
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In September 1939, shortly after the outbreak of World War II, Stravinsky embarks to America, where it will occupy the chair of Poetics at Harvard University and give six lectures contained in this volume. In the musical poetics, which is one of the best introductions to the aesthetics of music ever written, readers will find ideas Stravinsky on creation (own and others), the composition, the type and execution music in a precise and incisive language, which makes reading this book a pleasure. Also, as you progress in your analysis of the musical concepts, Stravinsky can not avoid drawing the picture of what were his life and career as an artist. In the words of Iorgos Seferis, author of the presentation, which distinguishes a man the size of Stravinsky is "a word or a syllable or a sound. That goal to reach one tries and fails. However, the way in between, the long blind way with dif...read more

Category: All >> Music >> Composers

Book: Poética musical

ISBN: 9788496489370
Precio de lista: $475.00
Descuento: 25%