Por qué existen el día y la noche / Meltí. Piyín teey é ñiaay yiot o’

Mito Kiliwa

Por qué existen el día y la noche / Meltí. Piyín teey é ñiaay yiot o’ - Elisa Ramírez Castañeda - Pluralia
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The kiliwa, or ko'lew, as they call themselves, live in the desert of Baja California Norte, in the Valley of La Trinidad and the surrounding area, near the Sierra de San Pedro Martir. The kiliwa is a language in danger of extinction, because the talk today less than a hundred people. This text is a free version of a fragment of the myth of creation ko'lew and written in that language as an attempt to witness a tradition to disappear.


Book: Por qué existen el día y la noche / Meltí. Piyín teey é ñiaay yiot o’

ISBN: 9786075168487
Precio de lista: $190.00
Descuento: 10%