Razón y modernidad

Horizontes del filosofar actual

Razón y modernidad -  AA.VV. - Itaca
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 250 g
Soft cover

Seeking answers to the pressing problems we face in our current society impels us to turn to the thoughts of philosophers from different times and cultures.

But it is undoubtedly in the horizon of modernity from where we can more deeply understand the challenges that humanity faces for coexistence and even survival, since our worldview, our institutions and our conception of action are largely inherited. of modern thought.

The texts that make up this book aim to contribute to a reflective appropriation of the notions, ideas and proposals put forward by different philosophers to address topics ranging from practical philosophy to issues of ontology, science and the university. These contributions are a sample of the plurality of perspectives on philosophical work in our country that aim to contribute to the clarification of some of the most stimulating issues today.

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Book: Razón y modernidad

ISBN: 9786078651047