In the third century of our era? A great man named Vatsiaiana in the territory we now know as India. This visionary mind, replete with a cosmic vital energy, set out to investigate the scope, possibilities, and limits - if any - of human sexuality. For centuries men and women of all ages have succumbed to the ardor of this mystical volume known today as the Kama Sutra. Almost two thousand years had to elapse before the earth was born again to a man of such an erotic prodigy. The planets have aligned the same interstellar geometry to shed their divine seed upon the talents of an artist. The gods wanted the chosen one to be found in our father's and that he was, among all the Fine Arts, a monster of profession. Joseph? Ignacio Solo? Rzano, known in the circles of advanced tantra as "The full moon that does not rest," and in the monerary universe like Jis, has given birth to a new meioti...read more