Siete Miradas Sobre el lenguaje Inclusivo - Perspectivas lingüísticas y traductológicas

Siete Miradas Sobre el lenguaje Inclusivo - Perspectivas lingüísticas y traductológicas -  AA.VV. - Waldhuter
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Weight: 300 g
Soft cover

The central objective of this work is to analyze the set of strategies to avoid linguistic sexism encompassed under the label of inclusive language with tools typical of the language sciences. Mabel Giammatteo, Augusto Trombetta, Santiago Kalinowski and Andrea Menegotto analyze it from grammatical and lexical perspectives; Salvio Martín Menéndez and Alejandro Raiter, from discourse analysis and sociolinguistics, and Ártemis López, from her place as a non-binary translator. The topics covered range from the exhaustive description of the morphosyntactic properties of grammatical gender in Spanish and the use of the masculine with generic interpretation, the linguistic change and the transition from a 2G system (feminine and masculine) to a 3G system (feminine, masculine and neuter?), the use of forms with -e on Twitter as a rhetorical resource, the use of x or @ in writing, the more



Book: Siete Miradas Sobre el lenguaje Inclusivo - Perspectivas lingüísticas y traductológicas

ISBN: 9789874916259