Sobre el acantilado y otros relatos

Sobre el acantilado y otros relatos - Gregor Von Rezzori - Sexto Piso
Publisher name: 
Sexto Piso
Year of publication: 
Book size:

To commemorate the centenary of the birth of Gregor von Rezzori, Sixth Piso publishes in this volume three long, previously unpublished stories in Spanish. Although these narratives are situated in different places and epochs, they have in common an identifiable trait throughout Rezzori's work: a great capacity to shape and fix the decisive moments that define the existence of their characters and the societies they inhabit. When a young aristocrat from the end of the Austro-Hungarian empire confronts a fierce swan that kills all the birds in their dominions, he does so in order to preserve his noble status before the peasants - and also to impress the sister who unleashes all kinds of passions Incestuous. With great mastery, Rezzori brings the transition to adulthood with the decline of an era whose solemnity is already ridiculous, as if he were waiting for the story to come to more


Book: Sobre el acantilado y otros relatos

ISBN: 9788415601685
Precio de lista: $200.00
Descuento: 15%