Su mirada y la de Baudelaire

Presentación y selección de los textos de Geneviève y Jean Lacambre

Su mirada y la de Baudelaire -  AA.VV. - Machado Libros
Publisher name: 
Machado Libros
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 364 g

Baudelaire's gaze, but also Champfleury's. A look that breaks with preconceived schemes, that does not accept dogmas of any kind, neither stylistic nor academic. A look, in short, that knows how to appreciate in Courbet aspects that hurt others, that perceives in Daumier the deep seriousness of the laughter produced by his caricatures. And some texts full of passion and erudition: passion for the topics addressed, for the new artistic fields that are studied; erudition in the discovery of products that until now had not been esteemed: revolutionary popular ceramics, the imagery of prints, sheets and hallelujahs..., also that of those artists that academic taste rejected. Reading Champfleury is an exercise in knowledge, but also in liveliness and joy.


Book: Su mirada y la de Baudelaire

ISBN: 9788477745563
Precio de lista: $445.00
Descuento: 25%