Subversión Foucault

Usos teórico-políticos

Subversión Foucault -  AA.VV. - Ediciones Metales pesados
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Ediciones Metales pesados
Year of publication: 

"It is not enough to repeat as an empty statement that the author has disappeared. (…) What should be done is to locate the space that has been left empty with the disappearance of the author, to follow with our eyes the distribution of gaps and faults, and to stalk the sites , the free functions that this disappearance makes appear ", argued Michel Foucault in 1969. This book recovers this premise by highlighting the discontinuity of readings and rewritings on the French philosopher, which subverts the attempts to canonize his thought. Foucault's uses would not only imply transgressing property rights around a work and its "legitimate" reproductions, but also making use of its political potential insofar as they refer to discourses and devices that arrange the order of bodies and their possible transformation. In this sense, the writings of this book are characterized by branching more


Book: Subversión Foucault

ISBN: 9789566048022