Surcar el mar a espaldas del cielo

2a edición. Lecciones sobre el cambio terapéutico y las lógicas no ordinarias

Surcar el mar a espaldas del cielo - Giorgio Nardone - Herder
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 258 g
Rustic with flaps

Being in contradiction is a rule, not an exception. How many times do our emotions push us to do something that is inconsistent with our habitual way of acting? With the publication more than 20 years ago of The Art of Change, Giorgio Nardone introduced the paradox, the belief and the contradiction -the non-ordinary logics- as elements to select the most appropriate strategy in the resolution of pathologies of individual, group or business Nardone part of what he calls "operational awareness": it is through the solution that one comes to the knowledge of a problem. Surcar the sea without the sky knows it is an essential work, starting point for any operational and theoretical development in the field of strategic brief psychotherapy.


Book: Surcar el mar a espaldas del cielo

ISBN: 9788425441943
Precio de lista: $600.00
Descuento: 30%