Tu amor es infinito

Tu amor es infinito - Maria Peura - Sexto Piso
Publisher name: 
Sexto Piso
Year of publication: 
Book size:

Saraa, a seven-year-old girl, is going to spend the summer at her grandparents' house, since her parents, in a stormy separation, are not able to take care of her. Far from a home in flames, and in an apparently idyllic atmosphere, a hell of hell begins for her. The child will have to wage a hard inner battle to reconcile the pain and suffering inflicted on her by her closest friends and the affection she feels for them, convinced that they are the only ones who really want her. To escape the pain and guilt that grips her, Saraa escapes a world of fantasy and games in which nature has a fundamental role. Despite touching such raw and dark themes, Your love is infinite is written with great lyricism, and an amazing sensitivity and subtlety. With this unforgettable debut novel, a true phenomenon in her country, Maria Peura was a finalist of the prestigious Finnish Literature Prize in 20...read more


Book: Tu amor es infinito

ISBN: 9788416677047
Precio de lista: $410.00
Descuento: 15%