Un dios Pixel

Un dios Pixel - Luis Schmidt - Itaca
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Beyond logic, sense is common. It is where intelligence frees universes of meaninglessness; where the exterior entails the interior. From the outside, only the reason for imposing it seems to be of interest. However, he is not superficial and is rather progressive. On the other hand, he empathizes with love, in silence. He traces his own footprints. He is fragrance of flowers and thirsts for justice. At the same time, the interior is not useful, it only feels. It is part of nostalgia and enters the debate between reality and unreality. In reality reason is isolated; unreality incorporates and reconverts it. Exterior and interior motivate each other in a meeting point. Seen from unreality, the exterior is perfect, as is the Milky Way; bright, like the sun. Is it safe to do so? Yes, because at the encounter an external eye is opened that offers itself from within. God observes it covere...read more

Category: All >> Literature >> Poetry

Book: Un dios Pixel

ISBN: 9786078856381