Lucius Annaeus Seneca (Latin: Lucius Annaeus Seneca), named Seneca the Younger (. 4 BC - 65) was a philosopher, political, Roman orator and writer known for his works of moral character. Son of Marcus Annaeus Seneca He was Quaestor, Praetor and Senator of the Roman Empire during the administrations of Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius and Nero, besides Minister, tutor and advisor to emperor Nero.
Seneca noted both as a thinker and intellectual, and political. Accomplished speaker, was both a dominant figure in Roman politics during the imperial era as one of the most admired, influential and respected senators, and was the focus of many enmities and benefactors, because of this extraordinary prestige.
Moralistic tendencies, Seneca went down in history as the highest representative of the Roman stoicism, in a turbulent, amoral and unethical as stage it was full decline of the imperial period in which he lived, stoicism and moralism, in the end, it took to end his own life.