Born in Rimini, Italy, in 1939. Professor of Semiotica dell'Arte in the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy of the University of Bologna. Since 1998 he directs the Discipline dell'Arte, della Musica e dello Spettacolo di Bologna (DAMS), center created by Umberto Eco, of which Fabbri is a disciple (he appears in the novel The name of the rose as Paolo de Rimini). He has taught at other Italian universities (Florence, Urbino and Palermo), the United States, France, Spain, Brazil, Argentina, Canada and Australia. Founder of the Semiotic Center of Urbino. Co-director of the Franco-Italian magazine Mezzavoce and the Semiotic Crossroad book collections (United States), Theory of Culture (Bologna, Italy) and Segnature (Rome, Italy). Represents Italy in the International Association of Semiotic Studies (IASS). President of AIVS (International Association of Visual Semiotics). Between 1992 and 1996 he directed the Italian Institute of Culture in Paris. Since 1995, director of the 'Mystfest' (Festival di Cinema del Mistero e del Giallo of the city of Cattolica). President of the Festival dei Popoli de Florence. Among his works, Tactics of signs. Essays of Semiotics, Gedisa Editorial, Barcelona, 1996; The Svolta Semiotica, Laterza, Rome, 1998; Elogio di Babele, Meltemi ed., Rome, 2000; coordinator of the anthology in 2 volumes Semiotica in nuce, (with G. Marrone), Meltemi, Rome, 2000. The semiotic turn, Gedisa, Barcelona, 2000.