Ser marxista en filosofía

Ser marxista en filosofía - Louis Althusser - Akal
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Year of publication: 
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Weight: 357.2 g
Soft cover

"To all those who doubt philosophy today, to those who doubt that Marxism is able to take part in philosophy in a non-arbitrary or subjective way, but just and effective, I say: See what happens to your around! See how things are going fast! See those struggles in which young people are involved on the side of the elderly, battles in which Marxist theory emerges strengthened and rejuvenated! See how the mistakes of the past are corrected! See what perspectives open up before us, how the future approaches! Do you take sides in the class struggle, workers and popular? Remember: the class struggle needs philosophy, class struggle in theory ??. Do you aspire to be philosophers? Remember: the philosopher battles in theory, and when he understands the reasons for this necessary struggle, he joins the ranks of the class, workers and popular struggle. "Being a Marxist in philosophy, which more


Book: Ser marxista en filosofía

ISBN: 9788446043959
Precio de lista: $610.00
Descuento: 15%