Los espantos

Estética y posdictadura

Los espantos - Silvia Schwarzböck - Editorial Las cuarenta
Publisher name: 
Editorial Las cuarenta
Year of publication: 

Silvia Schwarzböck affirms that the post -dictatorship must be deepened by aesthetics, because its object - proposal of the horror genre - so demands. What does it mean for the author to carry out a properly aesthetic reflection on this object? It implies, among other things, to think materially the fictionality of the given. And to think about it is to deny it, open it, look at it, listen to it, to read in appearance what in your show does not teach or illuminate; To see what can be seen again - and just for that reason it can be seen - for whom he cannot think about it.
It could be asked then: what is given in this book? It is the lifeless life of communism, it is the life of defeat after defeat. It is the life of the post -derrota.
[...] The given is also the crystallized configuration that won. And what he won, in Argentina, was imposed on blood and fire; What he won w...read more


Book: Los espantos

ISBN: 9789871501779