Con tan grande furia

Escritos sobre Tintoretto (1545-1780)

Con tan grande furia - Humberto Huergo Cardoso - Casimiro
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Book size:
Soft cover

The master of "smudge painting"

The texts gathered here ?written on Tintoretto (1518-1594) between the second half of the 16th century and the end of the 18th century, some in Spanish and others translated from Italian and French? They constitute a true anatomy of the Venetian painter.

None of the questions that we Moderns ask ourselves when faced with Tintoretto's work is new: what does the "difficulty" consist of? of Tintoretto?, are his paintings finished?, what is a finished work?, what place does chance occupy in artistic production? Tintoretto, erase or paint? Is yours a painting of blots, ?done in a way that is usually used in Venice, so to speak, confused?, as Boschini already said in 1660?

The anthology includes texts never before translated into Spanish by authors such as Sansovino, Doni, Ridolfi, Roger de Piles or Cochin, as well as extracts from Velá more


Book: Con tan grande furia

ISBN: 9788417930400
Precio de lista: $300.00
Descuento: 25%