"I don't think we will ever experience such beautiful days again," A. told us about the 2006 insurrection, just a few minutes after meeting us, when he received us at his home in Oaxaca (Mexico).
In mid-2006, the annual protest of the teachers in the state of Oaxaca channeled —via Radio Plantón— the discontent of the community in the face of the existing state of affairs: they went from demanding the resignation of the governor to putting on the table each and every one of the of the injustices and abuses of power that were accumulating.
For more than six months the city of Oaxaca rose up against an unjust government, and also refused to organize a new one. The people, articulated in assemblies, expressed themselves clearly: they took the floor and the media, organized protest marches and erected barricades to stop attacks by military and paramilitary groups, burned offi...read more