¿Cómo puede la educación contribuir a la movilidad social?

¿Cómo puede la educación contribuir a la movilidad social? - Carlos Muñoz Izquierdo - Ibero
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What quality is education in Mexico? What are the socioeconomic effects of education? These are two of the questions that Carlos Muñoz Izquierdo sought to answer throughout his research carried out between 1968 and 2008, in which he was convinced that education is the engine of change that the country needs to achieve an optimal level of well-being. in the disadvantaged population. Well, as Marisol Silva says in her Prologue: "(Carlos Muñoz proposes) that quality education must be axiologically relevant, pedagogically effective, culturally relevant, socially equitable and economically efficient." For this reason, a contemporary reading of this second edition helps us understand the complexity of the problems that afflict the country's education and to think about different strategies to solve the problems.


Book: ¿Cómo puede la educación contribuir a la movilidad social?

ISBN: 9786074177183
Precio de lista: $300.00
Descuento: 10%