Alberto Moreiras (Vigo, 1956) has been Professor of Hispanic Studies at Texas A&M University since 2010. Before that, he was Sixth Century Chair of Modern Thought and Hispanic Studies at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland (2006-2010), Anne T . and Robert M. Bass Professor of Romance Studies and Literature at Duke University (1992-2006), and Assistant Professor of Latin American Literature at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (1987-92). He has been a visiting professor at the universities of Giessen, Emory, Johns Hopkins, Minas Gerais, Chile and Buffalo. He is the author of Interpretation and Difference (1992), Tercer Espacio: Duelo y Literatura en América Latina (1999), The Exhaustion of Difference: The Politics of Latin American Cultural Studies (2001), Pensar en post / dictadura (2001), co-edited with Nelly Richard, and Shadow Line: The Non-Subject of Politics (2007). He is the founder and co-editor of the Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies and Common Politics, and co-directs a series of books for the University of Texas Press entitled "Border Hispanisms".