Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Seville. He has dedicated books to history institutions Castilla (Mayorazgo, 1974; Code and Charter, 1982), unless state law in Spain (Regional Autonomy and Land Reform, 1984; Jurisdictions Basques, 1985), a pre-constitutional legal anthropology European (People like many States, 1986, Reason of State, Individual Reason, Reason in History, 1991; Antidora, 1991 or Grâce du Don, 1996), a comparative constitutionalism between Europe and America (Indigenous Constitutional law and Culture, 1994; Happy Constitution, Trotta, 1997; Ama Llunku, Abya Yala, 2000), to relationships after among all (Genocide and Justice, 2002; Treaties with other Peoples Rights and other Gentes, 2005, Freedom's Law and Indigenous Peoples, 2005). The author's experience is not only academic and bookish to Europe and America. He has participated in international missions laboratories where we have sought to test one's knowledge or even himself as spokesman for the claims and witness the frustrations of constitutionalism. It has come in contact and exchange with human communities achieved laden reasons to hold off all sorts of powers, including the constitutional trinity. He carefully observed the stubbornness of those who preach the rights of others when obtaining crop after crop of own powers. It has retrained. Of all the mixed experience, even more than the largest constant a lifetime of study.