SUCKSDORF, CHRISTIAN. Postdoc. Title: The problem of representation and political philosophy in the mature work of Karl Marx. Start: April 2021. Place of work: Dr. Alejandro Korn Institute of Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, UBA. Director: Dr. Macarena Marey.
Phd. in Philosophy. Thesis title: The problem of representation in Karl Marx: from generic being to surplus value. Director: Dr. Eduardo Grüner. Defense: December 2019, National University of Lanús. Rating: 10, with recommendation for publication.
Six-month research stay (2014-2015) at the Maison Interuniversitaire des Sciences de l’Homme-Alsace (MISHA) and the Université de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France. Director: Pof. Dr Catherine Delcroix. Scholarship: Eurosilver-Erasmus Mundus.
Graduate in Communication Sciences, University of Buenos Aires, 2008. Dissertation title: Mass and subjectivity. Thesis supervisor: Dr. León Rozitchner. Diploma of honor.