Theodor Lipps was born on July 28, 1851 in Wallhalben and died on October 17, 1914 in Munich. It was an important philosopher and psychologist, considered one of the main representatives of psychologism in Germany.
Lipps received his doctorate in 1874 in Bonn, the city in which he was also a professor (1877-1890) and then be in Breslau (1890-1894) and as successor to Carl Stumpf, in the department of systematic philosophy at the University of Munich (1894-1914). Notable alumni Lipps include philosopher and sociologist Max Scheler and Marxist philosopher Ernst Bloch.
Lipps worked particularly in the area of psychological aesthetic. One of his most ardent admirers was Sigmund Freud.
Works Grundtatsachen des Seelenlebens (Basic facts of psychological life), 1883; Grundzüge der Logik (Fundamentals of logic), 1893; Vom Fühlen, Wollen und Denken (About the feel, want and think), 1902; Leitfaden der Psychologie (Guide psychology), 1903; Ästhetik (Aesthetics), 1903-1906.